Monday, September 12, 2011

WEEK 5! Chances are..

If you see me in the street or anywhere for that matter, I'm in workout clothes. Either my Zumba attire right out of teaching a class, or in shorts and a T-shirt cause I'm headed to or back from the gym/tanning salon.
If you see me at the mall, I'm looking for athletic wear or new shoes cause all this training has pushed my dinky shoes to the limit...
If you see me shopping anywhere else, it's probably for fresh produce. I think I spend, without Scott eating, a good 45-50 a WEEK on just my food. Sometimes more or less thank goodness... for the lesser times...
If I'm ever at the gym, yeah you've probably seen me or know my name. Everyone sees me often enough that they're like "what's up Andrea" or "your tan's already ready for you Andrea"(before I even walk in). It's awesome cause I feel like a celebrity, but it also means I'm EVERYWHERE a LOT.
If you ever walk into my apartment, it's a disaster. Scott and I have both been lacking on time to clean ANYTHING! Labor day, we did a pretty deep cleaning and the next day, I kid you not, it was back to the way it was the previous morning.
If I tell you I can't hang out, don't be offended. I have ZERO TIME and any time I do have, which is only at night, I spend it sleeping. I'm so physically WORN! Don't be offended! Not against you at all!

Bottom line, if there's any thought I'm in this 6 Week Project for myself and my own vanity, I'll admit, that's how it started out. But at this point, it's just something I'm fighting for like CRAZY as a goal and I'm down to the wire! The pressure is on and I'm all for any challenge now! But seriously, looking the way I do, as in no make up, no cute clothes and always in tennis shoes, That's NOT NEAR how I'd be looking if I was in this for my own looks and Vanity. I would have stopped a LONG time ago! Haha!

Anyways, updates on everything..
Last week I was so tired. Every time I sat whether in the car, or at work, or anywhere I'd start falling asleep and just be so worn out. In talking to the father figure, he told me it's probably a lack in carbs seeing as I'm burning almost twice the food I'm actually taking in. I decided to increase my carbs by taking in more FRUITS AND VEGGIES! Not breads ya'll! WRONG CARBS! So I've added some steamed veggies to my portions including my mid morning and afternoon snacks. I just don't have enough energy no matter how much I've slept! I was seriously feeling my whole body just shut down so by Friday I was too tired to stand on my own and to focus on ANYTHING! Make sure everyone that you're always eating the RIGHT amount of calories and often to keep you going! I always keep a protein shake on hand just in case I start feeling that weakness or cravings kicking in. Don't let yourselves ever get to the point of feeling hungry. Always carry snacks and eat ever couple hours even if you're not feelin that hungry. That's a HUGE secret to weight loss is BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION.

Anyway, pictures to come this week I hope! I love you all! Have the best week EVER!


  1. Hey Andrea-
    I am so sorry that you are feeling so exhausted that you can hardly function. That is no fun at all - especially since your career involves moving, moving and more moving :). You are doing an awesome job with your weight loss though and looking good. I hope you will be feeling much better and that we get to see you at Zumba tomorrow.
    I know I told you that I would bring you a sample of the Amazon PowrBlend that Kyle and I sell with the company 1Vizn - but I think I should now bring you a couple of days worth so you can get a bigger sense of the energy and overall good feeling you get from in-taking these extremely powerful antioxidants into your body. One of the Power fruits included in the PowrBlend - "Cupuacu" - actually has a Natural Anti-Inflammatory in it so hopefully you won't need to take Ibuprofen anymore. I will bring some extra packets tomorrow. I can spare a few more and give you some free just so you can see how this product will help you feel better. It probably won't turn you around and make you feel 100% again in a short amount of time but hopefully you will begin to feel the effects that it can have on you long term. Does this sound good?
    You can check out the Amazon PowrBlend Ingredients here:
    I have also included a little more in depth information about the Antioxidant Power Fruits here:

    Excited to see you tomorrow in class - I hope you get lots of rest tonight and feel better :)

    -Trisha Sanderson

  2. You're doing such a great job! Keep up the good work, it will be worth it all in the end!
