Monday, October 24, 2011

Least Effective Workouts!

Hey yallz!
Sorry I haven't updated my blog in so long! I've been so crazy busy! When I actually do have time to write though, I don't really have anything too awesome to say too so that's also been a reason!
I now have a twitter, and have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it, but in case you wanna follow me my username is "andimaree21" so, add me or whatever you do on Twitter! haha

So for all you working out and pumping iron all the time, I wanted to fill you in on workouts that people seem to do all the time, but really don't do much for you except DAMAGE! Check it out.

#1: Lat Pull-down Behind the Head


The problem: Only people with very mobile shoulder joints can keep their spines straight enough to do this exercise properly. So the move — done wrong — can lead to shoulder impingement or worse, a tear in the rotator cuff. And if the bar hits the back of the neck, it could injure cervical vertebrae.

A Safer Lat Pull-down


On the pull–down machine, lean back a few degrees, use a wider–than–shoulder grip, and bring the bar down in front of your body to the breastbone, pulling shoulder blades down and together. Contract your abdominals to stabilize the body, and avoid using momentum to swing the bar up and down. The lat pull–down works the muscles of the upper back.

#2: Military Press Behind the Head


This shoulder move, in which you lift weights or a barbell up and down behind the head, can cause the same problems as the lat pull–down behind the head.

A Safer Military Press


A safer shoulder alternative: When doing the military press, keep the bar or dumbbells in front of your head. Stand with the weight no lower than the collarbone and keep your upper body upright. The exercise can also be done seated. Always sit straight against a back support, and keep the natural curve in your spine, with upper back and glutes pressed to the chair.

#3: Upright Row (I actually do this one all the time :s oops)

The problem: Pulling weights, a barbell, or a weighted cabled bar up under your chin is a big no-no because it can compress the nerves in the shoulder area, impinging the shoulder.

Safer Alternative to the Upright Row


Instead of doing an upright row, work your shoulders with a front or lateral shoulder raise, lifting weights out to the front or side of the body.

#4: Leg Press with Poor Knee Position


From a reclining position, you push the plate up and bring it down in this common exercise to work the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The problem comes when you bend your legs too far -- past a 90-degree angle -- which can hurt your back and knees.

Leg Press: Safer Moves


If you want to do a lying leg press, keep your butt from rotating off the back of the machine, and don't bend past 90 degrees at the knee.

#5: Squats on the Smith Machine


The problem: The bar on the machine doesn't give, which can force the body into risky positions. Plus, people tend to put their feet farther in front of their bodies when doing squats on the machine, which makes matters worse.

Squats: A Safer Alternative


It's not necessary to use weights when doing a squat, but if you keep good form, adding weight will intensify the move. Standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly lower your body, back straight. Move the hips back as if you are going to sit in a chair. Try to maintain your weight directly over your feet, keeping heels on the floor. Lower yourself to about a 90 degree bend in the knee. Slowly return to a standing position.

#6: Bad Form on Cardio Machines


The problem: Hunching over or using a death-grip on the handrail cheats your body and can throw off your alignment, jarring your spine, shoulders, and elbows. Watch people in cardio rooms. People allways seem to be leaning on the stair machines or all over the place on the eliptical trainer.

Better Technique on Cardio Machines


Don't set the incline or resistance so high that it causes you to hang on to the machine too tightly. Use a natural gait with a light grip. For a more challenging workout, hold on lightly with one hand and move the other arm, switching arms periodically. And save the reading for after your workout so you can focus on good form.

#7: Exercises for Spot Reduction


People who do strengthening and toning exercises in an effort to trim fat from a certain area -- thighs, hips, stomach, or arms -- have the wrong idea. Although these exercises can help firm muscles, if the targeted area still carries an extra layer of fat, it won't look much different. You can't isolate fat loss to one part of the body.

Effective Ways to Reshape Your Body


Cardiovascular exercise will torch calories, but resistance training is a big part of the equation if you want to burn fat. Boosting your muscle mass increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories all the time, even when you're not working out.

# 8: Always Lifting with a Weight Belt


The problem: Too many people wear weight belts too often. Unless you have a back injury or other medical reason -- or are lifting a lot of weight -- the weight belt may let your core muscles slack off. And you need your core muscles all the time in everyday life.

The solution: Back off the weight belt unless it's necessary.

#9: Exercising in the Wrong Shoes


Even if you're doing everything else right, your efforts can be undermined by improper footwear. Working out with the wrong shoes increases pounding on the joints, and can lead to injuries like plantar fasciitis or tendonitis.

Shoe Solution


The key, experts say, is to choose a shoe that is specific to your activity and that suits your particular foot. They recommend shopping at stores specializing in athletic shoes, where you can seek advice from a knowledgeable salesperson. And don't forget to replace your shoes when they show signs of wear.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Please speak well of me.

I just heard this song, and I'm in love. Everyone, look up and fall in love with my favorite band - "The Weepies"
They're simple and simply amazing.

Song of the day.  For all those to whome I've ever offended or even my best friends...
"Please Speak Well of Me"

I’ve been away a year and a day
You recognize love after the fact
You did what you did and that was that
Don’t say words that you don’t mean
When I’m gone, please speak well of me
Looking back now
I only wish I had been kinder
Did I ever know love, did I ever know love?
And could I have been blinder?
Don’t hold back all your love for someday, for someday
I would say that I’m sorry if it would do any good
But to never regret means you have to forget
and I don’t think that I could

Burn more fat in your workouts!

Hey everyone! I've gotten a lot o questions asking how to burn fat better in work outs, or what the big "secret" is to burning better. Here are a few tips to help you burn better! I pulled some info from this artical by Team Beachbody.

  1. Man and Woman on Treadmills
    Crank up the intensity early.
    A study from the College of New Jersey found that people who work out harder during the first half of their workouts and ease up a bit in the second half burn up to 23 percent more fat than people who start out slowly. What does this mean for you? After you warm up (never neglect this or you may end up injured), bump up your workout intensity and give it your all. You don't have to pace yourself so you can make it all the way through; take breaks as necessary later in your workout.
  2. HIIT it hard. By now, you've probably heard that the one of the most effective ways to burn fat is with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This involves short intervals of maximum intensity cardio, followed by intervals of low intensity cardio or rest. Researchers at Laval University in Quebec have discovered that people who do HIIT can lose 3 times as much fat as those who do steady-state moderate cardio. Try hitting the stair machine one minute as hard as you can and one minute off for 12-15 minutes! it keeps your metabolism burning ALL DAY!
  3. Woman with Dumbbell
    Lift heavier weights for fewer reps.
    Boost your metabolism long after your workout by training with heavy weights. As researchers at the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education have learned, the heavier you lift, the greater the rise in your metabolic rate and the longer the boost will last. The result? Increased fat loss.

    Special note for women: Don't be afraid to increase the size of your dumbbells! You don't have enough testosterone to bulk up like the Incredible Hulk, and a lean, strong body will help you burn calories around the clock. Plus toned and shapely muscles look beautiful and give your body symmetry. Still not convinced? Read my related Beachbody® newsletter article, "10 Reasons Women Need to Lift Weights."
  4. Lift lighter weights for more reps. Wait . . . what? Didn't I just tell you that you have to lift heavier to burn more fat? It's true that training with heavy weights for fewer reps will burn more calories post-workout and give your physique a much more dramatic transformation. But there's also a benefit to using lighter weights at higher reps. For one, you burn a lot of calories during your workout. And if you're very out of shape or haven't lifted weights in a while, going lighter will help you condition your muscles and joints and help you prevent injuries. 
  5. Man and Woman Curling Dumbbells
    Stay in shape.
    Once you become physically fit, keep it up. The more active you are, the better your body is at burning fat. According to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, you can avoid regaining belly fat by exercising as few as 80 minutes per week. Keep stoking your fat-burning furnace with regular exercise and good nutrition, and you'll be lean for life.
      Let your kitchen help you burn fat.
  6. Get your omega-3s. Fish and fish-oil supplements are helpful fat-burners because of their high levels of omega-3 fats. Two recent studies in Iceland and Australia demonstrated that people who consume fish oil burn more fat than people who don't. Additionally, the Australian study showed that when fish oil is combined with exercise, the results were even better. 
  7. Omega-3 Capsules
    Don't cut calories too quickly.
    You know that in order to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories. But dropping them too quickly can cause your metabolism to slow down, because your body thinks it's starving and desperately holds onto fat. A dramatic reduction in calories can also lead to what author Martha Beck calls "famine brain," a condition in which your poor starved brain starts to freak out and all you can think about is food until you go nuts and eat everything in sight. The stress makes you much more likely to binge and end up fatter than ever. So what's the easiest way to cut calories gradually and keep your sanity?

  8. Cup of Green Tea
    Drink green tea.
    A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the catechins—antioxidant flavonoid compounds—found in green tea may stimulate the body's fat-burning activity. You'll get the most benefits from about 4 cups of green tea per day, but if you don't want to drink that much, green tea extract supplements appear to have similar benefits. It's kind of cool to think that you might be able to relax with a cup of green tea and burn fat at the same time!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Somethin worth thinking about..

I stumbled upon this thing shared by a friend on facebook which I thought was worth echoing. All this time I've been talking about being your best you. Part of that is being comfortable with knowing that you won't ever be jillian michaels, but the best thing you'll ever be, is your best you. I hope that makes as much sense as it did in my head...  Anyway, I thought I'd share this!

A while back, at the entrance of a gym, there was a picture of a very thin and beautiful woman. The caption was 
"This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"

The story goes, a woman (of clothing size unknown) answered the following way:

"Dear people, whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, seals, curious humans), they are sexually active and raise their children with great tenderness.
They entertain like crazy with dolphins and eat lots of prawns. They swim all day and travel to fantastic places like Patagonia, the Barents Sea or the coral reefs of Polynesia.
They sing incredibly well and sometimes even are on CD's. They are impressive and dearly loved animals, which everyone defend and admires.

Mermaids do not exist.

But if they existed, they would line up to see a psychologist because of a problem of split personality: woman or fish?
They would have no sex life and could not bear children.
Yes, they would be lovely, but lonely and sad.
And, who wants a girl that smells like fish by his side?

Without a doubt, I'd rather be a whale.

At a time when the media tells us that only thin is beautiful, I prefer to eat ice cream with my kids, to have dinner with my husband, to eat and drink and have fun with my friends.

We women, we gain weight because we accumulate so much wisdom and knowledge that there isn't enough space in our heads, and it spreads all over our bodies.
We are not fat, we are greatly cultivated.
Every time I see my curves in the mirror, I tell myself: "How amazing am I ?! "

(The girl on the picture is French model Tara Lynn)
See More
Learn to love yourself and your curves. You're beautiful.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What happens now?

It's been 2 weeks since I finished my 6 Week Goal of training for a body building competition..
I've gotten a lot of opinions about what people thought of my competition and most of it was amazing feedback! I'm so grateful to all those who supported me and still support my decision to participate in a competition through your kind words, donations of fresh produce, asking me how my diet was going etc. Thanks again to all those who still cheer me on.

Also, I've started training people. I've seen results and a fire in those I've trained and a need to be better for themselves.
I have been training the most amazing girl. You know who you are. ;). She is on FIRE. She knows what she wants and she'll do anything to make sure she's eating right, even though her family isn't 100% behind her all the time, she still fights. She's working so hard on her diet and working out every week and she's lost 15-20 lbs already! She's so amazing! Gurl, I love you and your willingness to work so hard. And not for anyone, but YOU.

Besides this cute girl, I've been training a brother who's already lost 5 INCHES around his tummy and waist. He's workin so hard too and I love when he tells me that he's too sore to walk the next day! GREAT JOB D!

I've loved training all those who have asked! If you're interested in seeing lasting results message me on Facebook.

As for me, I'm sad to say I haven't made as much time to work out. I tried to eat junk though but my body rejects it, so slow and steady I'm trying to bring bread into my diet, AT LEAST! Since my competition, I've lost another 4 lbs, so I now weigh 118 lbs, and have gone down to 13% body fat! AWESOME RIGHT? Unfortunatly, it's not exactly healthy to keep dropping, but my metabolism is so crazy fast now that I can't eat enough to gain any weight so, I've gotta figure out how to keep the numbers the same, and see some more tummy results! Anyway so I decided that I don't get too much done without a goal set with a FINISHING DATE! Therefore....
As of today, I set a new goal. What is it you ask?
Training for my competition helped me lift SUPER heavy! I have loved seeing my definition come in as well as the numbers go up in lifting weight every week in whatever I'm working, but because of the short HEAVY lifting sessions, my endurance is completely SHOT. I can hardly finish my Zumba classes or anything cause I get so exhausted so fast! Whether its my lack of fat, or lack of being able to stomach bread, I don't know. Therefore, I'm going to set a new goal to better my endurance. My new goal, is to run 
RAGNAR 2012! 

AWESOME RIGHT? I know! EXCEPT, I'm a terrible runner! haha That's why this new goal is a big deal. A few years ago, I was actually pretty okay at running. I have NEVER really enjoyed running, but hey, I was okay at it. In 2008 though,  I had a knee surgery done and I've never been able to run again. My legs are too clumsy and I just really have terrible form in running, therefore I just don't run. So let it be known everyone that I'm now gonna pretend to be a runner! I guess I need a team of 12 so if you're in, and wanna train and stuff with me, LET ME KNOW!
PS I think I'm just gonna keep writing on this blog. I have become addicted to blogging and I don't really wanna start another blog! Haha i love you ALL