Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It's been a while since I've written and so I feel almost like I'm letting someone down because they're not able to read what's going on in my crazy life.. Whether that's true or not, I'd like to fill you in!

There are so many things going on and whatever time I've had, I've spent burning through Gossip Girl episodes or at my new found obsession, CrossFit!

That's what I'm gonna be talking about first! Check it out..

 It's the BEST! It's so hard core and it's a full body workout and they make you feel super strong and super good to know that you can get through something so tough in about 45 minutes! EVERYONE DO IT! To get more info about my place i go to, check out crossfitants.blogspot.com
You'll LOVE it i promise!

Something else I feel like talking about is my cute husband!
Last week celebrated our 1 year anniversary! It was SOOOO ROMANTIC! He is seriously the best husband EVER!!
Haha! Okay so Scott wrote in the part about him being the best.. but I'm deciding to leave it since he really is the best in the world! 

Things I love about my husband, Scott:
His sense of humor. Even though most of the time I STILL have no idea when he's being serious or when he's teasing me.
His love for the LDS gospel. He's so faithful and he's always doing his very best to be the best person he can be at all times and in every situation. He's such a great example to me!
His love for his family. He always talks about how much he loves adventures with his dad! And I love the respect he has for his mom and the love he feels for her and all his siblings. He always has something good to say about everyone.
His brain. He's way too smart. Enough said.
His determination to know how to fix EVERYTHING! Scott will never be the guy to call a repair person. If he doesn't know how to fix something, he'll google/youtube it, or take it apart and put it back together forever till he figures out how to fix it.
His skinny legs... I love that he looks so good in semi skinny jeans... Haha!
He's fearless! Put him on a snowmobile, and he'll ride it up crazy mountains or over lakes just to say he did. He's SO BRAVE!
He asked my dad for permission to DATE and MARRY me..Can you say IMPRESSIVE?
His eyes.. I get lost in them..
The quiet romantic he is. He's not one of those guys to always shower me in flower petals and chocolate, or say cheesey things all the time, but when he says something romantic, or leaves flowers for me, I know it's coming straight from his heart. I know it's for real.. :)
His laugh. I mean his real laugh, when it gets kind of high pitched and his eyes and smile are all big! haha
His hugs. When I die, I hope it's in his embrace. I could stay in his warm hug forever..
I love how the only time I've ever seen him choke up or almost cry is watching the "Goodbye Michael" episode of the Office.. Not during a big fight.. not when we got married... during The Office..
His dedication to projects! His goal is to build a Powerstroke Bronco.. and nothing is going to stop that from becoming a reality!
He always knows how to make me laugh.
He always makes me feel beautiful when I'm having a fat day.. No matter how terrible I really look..
He's a hard worker. He starts a project and always finishes.
He notices things. He will never gossip, or say anything bad about anyone, but he always notices things about everyone good and bad.
He's so wise. He knows how to word things in a way that he's so "politically correct" but he's not scared to punch you in the face with honesty when you ask for it.

At the top of my head, that's all I can think of.. So Let me hurry and tell you about our Anniversary  celebration!

It started Wednesday night.
I got home to a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of roses.
We went to dinner at our favorite place, Osaka, in Provo.
Went to see FOOTLOOSE! Which by the way was AMAZING! I couldn't help but dance in my seat the entire time!

Friday, we went to Salt Lake and went to the Temple there! So beautiful!

Then dinner at Tucanos.. OOOH BABY that was so good.
Then after that we arrived at the Marriott Hotel and we were treated like ROYALTY!
Vallet parking,  King Suite, Cider and chocolate strawberries delivered to our room, room service-d breakfast, which was AWESOME! People answering the phone to Scott saying "Hello Mr. Veenker how may I serve you?" WHAT!?
Can I just say, the hardest part was leaving!
After that we left and went to the cabin for another adventure, Bronco-ing and 4-Wheeling in snow and 12 degree weather..

Needless to say, It was a great celebration! I can't wait to see what Scott has up his sleeve for NEXT YEAR! The pressure is officially on Scott!!

Anyway, I hope I didn't kill you all with the cheese. I just LOVE my little family. Scott, you're the best man I know, and I'm so glad/ lucky to call you mine. :)
I love you all too.. 

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