Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Make Peace with Yourself.

Hey everyone!

I know it's been like two months since I've had a chance to write. With not being able to teach these last few months, you'd think that'd free up my time for blogging- unfortunately that's not the case!
Today though, it's early in the morning and I'm making time for this post because of how dear to my heart it is.

As you all know, I'm a HUGE fan of the The Biggest Loser, because of how much it helped me on my personal weight loss journey. It's seriously such an inspiring show and as much as being pregnant has made me feel not so successful in "weight loss", per say, I still have been driven to eat healthy and stay as active as I've been allowed by my doctor.

The Biggest Loser's theme this season, as some of you already know, is "Challenge America" where they have sent out a challenge to fight childhood obesity. ABOUT TIME! I'm loving every minute of this season and watching the "kid ambassadors" on their journey to a healthier, healthier and more confident lifestyle. People underestimate the power that comes from being healthy, and for yourself. There's a confidence that comes and with that, success in every aspect of life when you learn to master your personal self.

Today I'm watching this week's episode. (Don't make fun, we're Hulu people so we watch shows a hundred years later..)

They have issued a new challenge after teaming up with Seventeen Magazine. Did you know only 11% of girls feel confident enough to call themselves beautiful? That. Is. Terrible. So what Seventeen Magazine has done is set up a Peace Treaty, with the focus on attacking one's personal health goals rather than attacking themselves. As a personal trainer, I've had the experience of almost having to be half a therapist to my female clients especially. There have been and continue to be obstacles in their path to health that have been put there by THEMSELVES. The most rewarding thing for me personally is when my clients have gotten to a point where they look in the mirror and are proud of what they see instead of finding a new thing to pick at.

That's why today I'm signing this treaty and I ask that you, my sweet readers do the same.
Here's the treaty.

I Vow To:

  • NEW! Do the little things that will keep my body healthy, like walking instead of hanging on the couch, or drinking water rather than something sugary.
  • NEW! Appreciate what makes my body different from anyone else's. I love that I'm unique on the inside, I will try to feel that way about the outside too!
  • NEW! Wear makeup only when I want to and it feels fun. I won't use it to hide the real me!
  • NEW! Accept that my body will go through changes, and that's okay.
  • NEW! Support my friends, who just like me, have their own body issues. Hey, we're all in this together!
  • NEW! Put my energy toward the things in life I care about instead of wasting another ounce of it on my insecurities.
  • Remember that the sun will still rise tomorrow even if I had one too many slices of pizza or an extra scoop of ice cream tonight.
  • Never blame my body for the bad day I'm having.
  • Stop joining in when my friends compare and trash their own bodies.
  • Never allow a dirty look from someone else to influence how I feel about my appearance.
  • Quit judging a person solely by how his or her body looks — even if it seems harmless — because I'd never want anyone to do that to me.
  • Notice all the amazing things my body is doing for me every moment I walk, talk, think, breathe...
  • Quiet that negative little voice in my head when it starts to say mean things about my body that I'd never tolerate anyone else saying about me.
  • Remind myself that what you see isn't always what you get on TV and in ads — it takes a lot of airbrushing, dieting, money, and work to look like that.
  • Remember that even the girl who I'd swap bodies with in a minute has something about her looks that she hates.
  • Respect my body by feeding it well, working up a sweat when it needs it, and knowing when to give it a break.
  • Realize that the mirror can reflect only what's on the surface of me, not who I am inside.
  • Know that I'm already beautiful just the way I am.
  • Not let my size define me. It’s far better to focus on how awesome I look in my jeans than the number on the tag.
  • Surround myself with positive people. True friends are there to lift me up when I’m feeling low and won't bring me down with criticism, body bashing, or gossip.
  • Accept the changes that my body is going through. I will celebrate my new shape and curves. I will rock what I've got!
  • Remember that sometimes I will have down moments. And in those times, I will remind myself of how awesome I am by looking in the mirror and saying, "I'm good! I can do this! I'm number one!"
  • Accept that beauty isn't just about my looks. It's my awesome personality and my energy that creates a whole, unique package.

If there's anything in this treaty that you fight yourself on every day, today I also issue the challenge. Print this out and post it somewhere you'll read it every day, or even make a copy for every room in the house so you have a constant reminder of it. Highlight the ones that apply to you and say them out loud as you get ready for the day. 

The husband used to tease me because while I was losing weight I'd repeat to myself in the mirror (from What about Bob I think?) "You're good. You're great. You're Wonderful" and then I'd tag on "You can do hard things." 

Saying these things out loud, even if you're completely alone, makes whatever your goal is a true commitment. 

Pick one of these goals from the treaty and make it part of your day. Also be sure to sign on to and sign the treaty. If you have an account already, here's the link that will take you directly to the treaty.

I love you all. There's more to you than things to work on. Take the challenge today, and commit to a happier, healthier lifestyle by loving yourself first. 


  1. What a great post Andrea. You are inspiring! I've had a hard time staying healthy in this pregnancy, but I still work towards it every day. I've never really felt that I was one of those "pretty pregnant moms" who just look great, but this time around I can feel how exercising for the last 2.5 years has changed my body for the better, made this pregnancy a little easier and more active than the last two, and is going to help me bounce back even faster when it's over! I've been able to do way more this time around than the last two times and it feels good knowing my body can handle things I thought it probably couldn't. I'm taking to heart some of your challenges and going to try to be more positive about myself. I can't wait to see how your baby grows up, you are an incredible lady and as such are going to make one incredible parent!

  2. Love it! I feel like we hear this advice SO often but it's so empowering to read it the way you've just put it. I kind of wish everyone felt empowered, you know? We'd have a lot more great and beautiful people if more of us just believed in our own personal worth.
