Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pity Party.

I'm so bored I'm gonna die.
All day yesterday I was having the worst headache/sinus/entire body ache/fatigue all day long.
Late last night, it got 100 times worse and I've been at home since.
I cancelled everything today and got subs for all my classes and now I'm at home just sitting on the couch waiting for something to do. 
Still though, everything I've done or tried to eat has made me feel worse.

Do you know what sounds AMAZING right now though, even though I can't stomach any food?


That does indeed sound amazing.
Anyway, just thought I'd write for a while to keep my doing something productive-ish while I sit here on the couch. 
PS: That's me crying on the couch in that picture above.. you know just rockin' my 80's Arctic Cat sweater, no big deal.

I wanted to publicly wish my cute sister an awesome 17th-ish birthday? I'm pretty sure she's 17... She's my cute lil sister, AKA'd as my appendix. (My real appendix, not the one I had removed a few months ago.)
Everyone tell her Happy Birthday if you see her!

Okay this is hardly productive.. 
But it was worth a shot.
PS is anyone watching The Bachelor this season?
Are you hating Courtney as much as I am? To think I was actually rooting for her the first night!

PPS You're all watching the Biggest Loser right?
Are you ALSO hating Conda as much as I am? She's such a fool.
If there's anything I hate, it's drama. It's when people can't just be happy for others' success and just celebrate others achievements.

My friend and I were discussing jealous friends. Do you have a friend that no matter what you do, or what situation you're in, they're always jealous of you, and you feel like you almost have to tone down your shine cause you'll make them feel bad?
Those aren't real friends ya'll. Read friends support you and love you and make "Team Andrea" shirts for you and make you shine even brighter when you're together! 
I love all my friends for that reason. I always make a point to surround myself in people that love themselves and push me to try harder and to be better and show off my skills that I DO have! 

Find that friend this week and give them an extra long hug for being the best and helping you be YOUR best!

Love you all!


  1. So sorry you feel so Crappy! If I were your body I'd probably be protesting too - I've seen your busy schedule. Rest, rest rest....then rest some more...and maybe eat some chicken noodles soup in between. See you soon U trooper! Hope you feel better soon.
