Monday, September 26, 2011


The big secret was, I trained and competed in an NGA body building competition as my FINALE to losing all my weight!
(I'm the one on the far left!)

I accomplished a VERY hard thing and I owe all my success to my trainer, Christy Stevenson! She was so amazing helping me look the best i EVER have and helping me when i most doubted myself! She is suh an amazing girl and she took time to answer silly questions and to make me so comfortable and make me proud of everything I've done!

I've lost a total of 47 lbs!

Thanks everyone who helped me through this journey and reminded me of my own sayings.
You know who you are! 

Thank you for making me feel beautiful.
For making me confident and helping me do something that I would never have been able to do to myself. For taking the time to answer silly texts, and helping me improve my walk and poses.
For taking the time to check on me and help me with my work outs and diet.
For helping me Love myself.
For reminding me I don't need a trophy because my weight loss this year is prize enough.

I love you for all your hard work and support! Thanks so much for spending the day with me and helping me not be scared!

Thanks for standing behind me when I needed a hug, or to talk. Thanks for always being with me and coming to my night show with the family and showing me and reminding me of how awesome my accomplishment was.
Thanks a million for always having an extra package of cottage cheese to make me feel better when I was hungry or stressed.
Thanks for being the best mom ever. I love you I love you I LOVE YOU.

Scott (husband),
I know you weren't to happy at first with my decision to do this, but thank you so much for still helping me eat right. For reminding me what would happen if i cheated on my meals or ate that bite of a brownie. Thank you for loving me when I was grumpy and hungry and tired or sore. Thanks for the massages. Thank you for the talk last week when I wanted to quit. For letting me cry and for your sweet words of encouragement.
Thank you ALSO for spending the day with me, though the crowd at the show was making you uncomfortable, you stuck with me, and you cheered and you helped me back at the hotel by judging my walk.
Thank you for your honesty, and your support.
Thank you for the push out of bed when I was feeling too tired to go to the gym.
Thank you for helping me with my last minute purchases for stuff I needed.

Hayley, J Thug, Angie, Kaytlin and All blog readers,
Thank you for your encouraging messages. 
Thank you for the fresh produce and for calling me your inspiration.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for asking me how I'm feeling and for caring!
Thank you for making me feel like I was doing something big and worthwhile!
You changed my outlook on life and fitness and I loved hearing about all your success stories and hearing all the sweet things you're accomplishing in your own life!
Thank you for teaching me how to put in my extensions.. haha
Thank you for everything you did to help me keep going!

I love you all and everything thing you've done for me! This is something I will never forget! 
Remember, you're stronger than you think you are
You can do, and already HAVE done hard things!
Keep going!
Love, Andrea

(Sorry yall. Picture's removed.)


  1. So amazing, Andrea! I want to be like you! I am really inspired. Keep it up. You must feel so happy about your accomplishment.

  2. DAMN GIRL! NICE BOD and NICE ASS! lol You look amazing! I can't believe you had 47 lbs to lose! I need you to help me lose about 10 lbs!! I want to look hot in a sexy halloween costume this year. Mostly I just need to tone up and burn fat. Seriously those pics are HAWTTT!!! Way to go you awesome woman!

  3. Ok seriously? I just had to comment AGAIN to say that I'm totally crazy about losing weight now bc I just had a sign. The captcha thingy to post my last comment on here was BELEAN. Seriously, I'm not joking? A sign or what? I think so. haha

  4. Awesome Job Andrea!! You are looking fine ;) I hope you had a fun day on Saturday despite all the pressure and stress. I hope you enjoyed your pizza too :) Now you can definitely tell your kids that U were one HOT MOMMA!! :) See you at Zumba.
