Monday, May 26, 2014

The World's Best Diet

Hey everyone!

I apologize for taking so long in between blog posts. I keep getting rockin' ideas to blog about, then I forget about them a lot of the time. My husband bought me an awesome Mother's Day tablet though, so now I can write ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. That, or I may still just keep you in suspense with every post like I always do.

Today's topic is something that has been on my mind forever. Every summer this topic comes up because of course, people want to have their bikini bodies for swim suit season of course!

Which diet is the "Best" diet?

Let me start off by sharing an experience.

I have a super cute friend that has been trying to lose weight. She posted a status on Facebook asking her friends, "Hey guys! I'm just trying to lose weight! I need something that is doable with a busy schedule! What are some diets you've tried or heard of that you like?"

We've all seen this status before right? Here's where the red flags start popping up for me- not the asked question, but the answers given.

"Try cutting out gluten, soy, meat, yellow 6,......etc.etc.etc"

"Go vegan! It's so good for you!"

"MEAT ONLY! Cut everything! Meat and water! No carbs!"

Now, before I get into this, I want to tell you, I'm not a doctor. I am not a Nutritionist. I have a basic Dietitian certification, and I do a WHOLE lot of reading about food, and I have talked to many people, gone to countless classes and studied eating habits of different cultures for years. (weird hobbies..) You may have your opinion, but here is mine.

First. If you're not a doctor, you shouldn't be telling people what is best for them. If you aren't a licensed professional, you cannot legally tell people what to eat, what to do, how to live because you don't know them, their health history, eating habits etc. If it isn't your job to prescribe a diet, exercise plan, etc. Don't.

Second. Nothing against vegans, carnivores or "carb-avores", but I personally believe and have read a TON like previously mentioned, that "cutting out" macro nutrients from your diet is simply not a healthy way to live. I know, I know a lot of you are turning red and starting to swear at your screens. Hear me out-

We as humans are made to need all sort of foods. Yes, ALL sorts of foods, including but not limited to whole foods, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, grains, etc.
When you think of any "fad diet", what is something they all have in common? Cutting out a major food group. A few years ago, it was all about carbohydrates. "They turn in to fat the second you eat them!""Carbs are bad! NO CARBS EVER!"
Are carbohydrates bad? NO. What is  bad? Carbohydrates in EXCESS.

Lately, I hear all about cutting meat, and dairy.

"Try cutting out dairy products for 30 days, and you'll see that your body completely rejects it when you try it again after those 30 days!"

Lets be honest- ANYTHING you don't eat for 30 days, you'll build a dislike or intolerance to.
If we're cutting things out for 30 days, lets cut SODA or fast food!

When I was preparing for a body building competition a few years ago, I had cut out fast food. Good thing to cut right?

On a cheat day, I wanted fried chicken so much, of all things! Scott took me out for my fried chicken and the first bite made my throw up. I had given up fast food for so long that my body just could NOT do it anymore with out getting sick. I still, to this day get sick at the sight or smell of fried chicken.

So... going back- I have nothing against vegans or vegetarians for those of you who are reading this thinking I will bash on you. I won't. Being Vegan is HARD. The reason I had picked on you vegans before with the Facebook comments was because, those of you who are vegan know it's HARD.You also know it takes serious research and commitment to be vegan. To COOK everything and prepare everything and read, and study and cook, read, and study some more. With that said, you all recommend being Vegan, but you know not to just tell people "Quit what you're doing and go Vegan cold turkey." Am I right?

My sister is Vegan and she told me of her transition and how long it took to learn, prepare her body etc. It's not a fad diet. It's a complete life style change- so respect.

With that said, here's a note to you vegans and vegetarians from world known weight loss expert, vegan and personal trainer from "THE BIGGEST LOSER",  the hunky Bob Harper.

"Some of you who've read about me in the last several years and thought I was vegan will be surprised to see that I recommend animal proteins at all. There's a personal story behind this.

The "compassion" argument was a big part of my decision to go vegan- I care about the treatment of animals, and I've read and seen the films about the conditions at many farms and slaughterhouses. I have also read about the health and disease-prevention benefits of reducing or swearing off animal proteins. The China Study by Colin T. Campbell is one of the most convincing studies there could be...

So I went vegetarian, then vegan. No animal protein for me! Milk- no, I'll take a soy latte or soy cheese. An omelet? Only if you make it with scrambles tofu. There were veggie burgers ad almond loafs and enough dal and lentils and curries and falafels to fill a stadium. It worked: my cholesterol went down, I lost weight. I felt lighter...

But after a few years, the benefits began to wane. I was fatigued. And I was getting... soft, which was not a particularly good thing of you are a trainer for a show called The Biggest Loser. My own trainer... suggested I needed to reintroduce some animal protein to regain my muscle tone and strength.

..-bringing some animal protein back into my diet helped my energy levels. I stayed lean and felt better."

He goes on to say that he still very much advocates a plant based diet for the most part, but he says later that it's JUST FINE to be a "vegan who eats bacon".

(Quoted from The Skinny Rules By Bob Harper with Greg Critser, pg. 18; Animal Protein and Me)

In conclusion, from my research and life learned experience- the world's best diet is the one you learn in Jr. High health class. The Food Pyramid. Balanced meals- nothing in excess (except for kale and spinach cause they're amazing and veggies and water are unlimited in daily doses.. again my opinion)- is the best diet, unless told otherwise by a health professional.

Talk to your doctor or try other established diet facilities that are run by doctors that you meet with every month or so. Find what works best for you and what makes you happy, and healthy and DO IT. Don't try anything extreme right off.

Extremes are not healthy and never safe. Be careful and love the one and only body you have.

Until next time.