Wednesday, January 22, 2014

10 Fitness Instructor Must- Dos

As a fitness instructor of 5 years now, I have a LOT left to learn, but there are some things that I have learned when it comes to taking care of ME that I feel the need to share.

Over the last year, since having baby, I have had the hardest time not only getting back into shape, but keeping up good health. I was having a hard time knowing that I had been such an athlete, to find myself with this jello bowl belly and low self confidence. That led to believe that I not only had to tone up, but that I needed to get back to teaching 22 hours a week, as well as my own personal work outs, and doing my food prep, all while being a mom, wife and house keeper..

What. A. Joke.

Thanks to family and friends, and an amazing husband, I'm over that and being realistic. Over the last nine months though, I've learned the importance of self care.

The reality is, as a Group Fitness instructor, this body? It truly IS a temple, and my tool in daily life AND my job. Without a healthy body, I cannot work. So I've gathered some info from other instructors, and this is for you all, my friends who give their lives and bodies to teaching fitness. This is to remind you that you not only need to TEACH fitness, but BE FIT.

In no particular order...
Top 10 Fitness Instructors 
I know from friends I've asked that when it comes to self care, pampering is the first thought, and the first thing to be forgotten. I know that when I'm exhausted, I'm all about saying, "wow I'm getting a massage/pedi/mani/facial". Do I ever get that pedi, mani OR facial? No. A lot of us are moms. Some of us, moms with like 12 kids, all living at home. You have kids to cart to soccer, piano, dance and mutual. You have a husband to feed! You have a LOT of responsibility. With that said though, you NEED to take time to pamper. If not to feel cute, do it for your sanity. If money is an issue, tell your oldest kid a golf ball and give you a massage. Ask for a massage chair for Mother's day, and then schedule time at LEAST once a week where you have 15 minutes that you just sit on your massage chair, where everyone knows not to talk to you, because it's "Mom's Time". Sound selfish? NO. It's not. You only have one body. One brain. You need at least 15 minutes a day, or one day a month where you treat yourself. Try it. Set a day on the calendar. get a babysitter and GO. OR get a foam roller and roll out before and after your classes, every day without fail.. It's amazing. (I recommend the "Spri" brand or any BLACK roller.)

9. Non-Physical Hobby
My good friend, Annie is my hero. She is a master crafter, quilter etc. With that said, she is also an amazing mom and groupX instructor. She made me realize that even though I myself am a terrible crafter, I REALLY LOVE CRAFTING. I've learned how to do the most random projects, and they make me so happy. It's so important to have something ELSE that you love. A lot of us only get one "day off" of work, so instead of going to the gym, or subbing a class, find something you love, and do it. The other day, I had a day off and I was about to hit a class, just after I had gotten home from my personal work out. Husband, in all his wisdom said, "Andrea... it's your day off. Go do something you love." 
"buuuut I LOVE exercise.."
"BUUUUT you exercise every day. Do something you love."
I pulled out my sewing stuff and I sewed as Ashton stayed next to me and played. I didn't get to do very much but it was so refreshing to do something ELSE. There's no harm in that! Try a craft, try writing in your journal or writing stories or poems. Go to a museum, go to a park. Do something ELSE that you love. Again- for your sanity.

8. End of the night routine.
Every night after I teach, my goal is to leave work at work. Whether it was amazing class, or a semi off class, I leave it there. How? I'm not a country fan. (This has a point). The way I unwind, is I turn on a country music station, roll down the windows and blast that honky tonk until I get home. I do this odd ritual because I need to get the heavy, booty shaking bass out of my head so I can sleep. I know of friends that will get home, turn on the tunes and soak in the tub, or go on a walk. Find a routine and do the same thing after you work out.

You need 6-8 hours of sleep. Don't you dare not sleep. MAKE TIME TO SLEEP. Now, take a nap and then come back and finish reading.

6. Continuing Education -KEEP LEARNING.
A lot of us only have time to hit our classes. Again, this is all about MAKING time. Along with other trainings, Zumba Jam Sessions, Boosts, I recommend going to other classes. TAKE a class. Be a student at least once a week. Try other formats that you don't teach too. Find a packed class, and go. Go not only for a good sweat, but to learn, "Why is this class so packed?" "what is this instructor doing to make this class successful?" Be sure to ask a student why they go to this teacher. What sets them apart? Whatever it is, take that and use it in your class. The day you stop learning is the day that you choose to fail. You can NEVER learn enough. My friend Michelle has EVERY certification under the sun, and she STILL goes to other classes and more certifications. Be a Michelle.Keep learning.

5. Take a Day Off
We touched on this a bit before. Basically, if you have a day off, take it. If you've taught 4 classes a day, Monday through Friday, take Saturday and Sunday off. Don't teach. Stay home. Clean, cuddle your kids, do your non-physical hobby, get pampered. Your body IS a temple, remember? Take a day and give that poor body a rest. You only get one body. Give it a break. Set a day that you will NOT work, unless you're REALLY REALLY needed as a sub. But other than that, give someone else a teaching opportunity and you take a day.

4. Good Nutrition
"You exercise so much! You can probably eat whatever you want RIGHT?". Sound familiar? CAN you really eat whatever you want? No matter how fit you are, the answer is No. Here are my reasons. You are a pillar of a healthy role model. You need to practice what you preach and eat well. Eat to survive. You CAN enjoy and splurge on food, but don't you be eating McNuggets 3 times a week and a Bacconater every other day. Eat your veggies, your lean proteins. If you need ideas on what to eat, find a nutritionist or a personal trainer for suggestions. Try a cookbook out. Pick a recipe and hit the store for those ingredients. You need REAL food. Not necessarily Organic or anything. Just real food. Real ingredients. You can do it. Also, take supplements and vitamins. You need to heal and feed those well used muscles. I personally use Fish Oil, Vitamin D Supplements, B6 and B12. That's just me. Ask a nutritionist or your doctor what to take if you need ideas!

3. Exercise OUT SIDE of teaching
I had a training last week, where the instructor said something powerful. "When you teach, that's not your work out... That's THEIR (the student's) work out". Yeeeeah. Make time. CROSS TRAIN. I also hit on this before. You are a pillar of fitness. You have no idea the impact you have on your students when they see you pumping iron or trying another class along side them. It's so inspiring to see your HERO struggling and trying to work out along side you. It humanizes you as well as keeps you real and healthy. You prevent so many injuries when you work and build surrounding muscles. I used to have knee problems until i kicked up the leg days. Do it. You'll see a greater change in your physique, health and class sizes. ALSO, as superficial as it sounds, you need to model what your students "can one day be". You need to look the part. You're selling your class by the way you look. Have you every walked into a class and see an SUPER fit instructor? what do you think? I'll tell you what I say, "WOAH, you're SO RIPPED! I want your arms and back muscles!". Be that motivation for your class. Let them know what they can be! Continually post on social media your before and after pictures and show your students that you NEED to work hard to look the way you do. INSPIRE THEM.

2. Meditation
I'm by far the worst at this. Taking 5 minutes out of your day to sit or lay still and try and clear the mind? Here's my process.... 
"ooooommmmmm.... ooommmmm... ommmMAN I have so much to get done...Ooo is baby awake? ....OmmmmNomnomnom Steak sounds so good.... Man I'm hungry... is that the time?"
Seriously I'm terrible. I've ended up taking a Stress Management class at UVU to figure out how to deal with all my inability to relax. I also found an app that's all about forcing you to sit still through a guided meditation. Give your brain a break. I use this right when I finish my evening rituals and then I sit alone in my living room and meditate when all is quiet, right before bed. I'll tell you, I'm sleeping better, deeper, and waking up more refreshed and I have a clearer mind that's ready to work. Take that time. Empty your brain. Take care of the laundry later, and forget everything that you have no control over, even if it's for 5 minutes.

1. Learn to say "NO"
This one I did save for last. Have you ever gotten to that point where you're teaching 22 classes like I was, basically 5ish classes PER DAY... (which PS is soooo unhealthy, take my word for it)... and then your phone rings... *beeeeep beeeeep Buzzzz Buzzzz* "Hey I need help tonight. Can you sub for me?"
Again, if in a dire emergency, please help a sister/brother out and take the class... but if someone else can, LET THEM. You do not need to be teaching a million classes to be a good instructor. In fact, I'm pretty sure it ends up wearing you down enough to leave you being a TERRIBLE instructor. You're tired... so everyone else gets tired before they begin, because they're vibing off your lack of energy. They end up finding someone that's well rested and pumped for their one class a week... Who are your student's going to go with? The sleepy, unmotivated instructor? Or the ridiculously energetic instructor? Yeah... The second one. THAT, and you age faster, you get injured easier, etc, etc. You're just a downward spiral of an instructor if you overdo. Say no. Just do it. Your body and brain will thank you, and your students will forgive you.

I know this is by far the longest post I think I have ever written, but I do hope that you took time to read it, and that you'll honestly take time for you. You're human. It's okay to act human. 
You don't want to over do now, and end your career in 2 years because you didn't take care of your one and only body.

If this list is completely overwhelming, I understand. Try one thing at a time for at least a week. Find things you love to do, for YOU.

Love you all.