Probably one of the most common excuses I hear daily from clients, Facebook friends etc. when it comes to weight loss, is "well, I can't afford healthy food." or, "junk is just so much cheaper than real food."
For all you out there with this reasoning as to why you cannot eat healthy, this post is for you!
I've written about this in like round about ways, but today will be a lot more specific! And for those of you amazing readers that are pro deal hunters, please feel free to comment and add your favorite stores and suggestions as how you save money while eating well.
Okay, so problems with junk food.
It seems cheap and easy but.. is it?
Example: Banquet meals.
We have a couple of friends that are obsessed with these meals because Wal-Mart sells these for $1 a piece. So you think, cool a dollar a day? Then you open it and not only is it tasteless, but it's a REAL SERVING SIZE! And because they're loaded with preservatives and junk, the serving size is.. a serving size for ants? The average person, at least, these friends of ours, that eat these all the time eat about 3-4 meals per MEAL.
Therefore not only, NOT down to $1 lunches, but loading their bodies with junk, that not only leaves you with love handles and a belly, but terrible skin/acne.
So math time. $5 lunch, not bad. Then you add the medical bills from the heart attack, then the Proactive plan you need to fix not only your face from breaking out but the rest of your body then tightening creams for that cellulite. I don't even want to add that up.
Then there's fast food. The average American individual spends more or less $2000 per year on fast food. Now, multiply by how many people in your family.. That ends up being about 9.3%
of your yearly income.
What if, now this is just crazy talk- but what if you set aside $2000 for each person in your family every year? ...They'd be attending pretty awesome schools, wearing super fancy clothing and for sure have a good chance for an early retirement am I right?
Why though, are we spending that much money to plump our kids up? Showing ourselves and families it's just "easier" or "more convenient" to be overweight? To spend their lives pumping anti depresents and more and more pills, and lugging around oxygen tanks for the sake of convenience? As you saw, the food itself isn't cheap.. So why fast food ya'll? Why?
Same with any freezer food or processed food like Corn Dogs- which I totally understand, sometimes you need a good corn dog, but not as an every day thing right? Save your body, save your skin from nasty food.
Alright, now that you've had your slap on the wrist, lets find you a solution!
Real food not only makes your skin, hair, nails, tummy legs and all those trouble spots, NOT a problem, but you're pumping your body with good food that acts like an antidepresents and energy boosters, and fat burners that have ZERO side effects. How amazing! Also when you're going through huge body changes like pregnancy, or if you've just had a baby, get those real foods in you!
Now, great places to find good, fresh food at an awesome cost are the following:
Maceys Grocery,
Sunflower Market- if you have a Student ID, you get 50% off all fresh produce EVERY TUESDAY!
Smith's - semi pricey but they have great deals and such fresh produce
Anyone wanna add any more? If you know of anywhere that has as great of deals as Sunflower Market PLEASE leave your comments!
Here's your goal for this week. Make time to make a meal. If you don't know what to buy at the grocery store, here's a list of essentials that you can use for ANYTHING.
Fruit of any kind!
That's stuff you can just snack on if you're ever bored, or watching TV. So part two of the goal- as soon as you pick up one good veggie or fruit, cross off a junk meal from your shopping list.
FINAL part of the goal. Google a recipe. What sounds good? And you don't have to wait till you're hungry- Sit down with your family/husband/roomates on a Monday night and plan all your meals.
I always Google "(insert meal name here) Recipe Easy" they always come up with the simplest, most delicious recipes ever!
Plan out your meals and FOLLOW THROUGH. You'll notice an immidiate change in your waistline within that first week of cutting out the junk, and replacing that junk with good food.
I guarantee you a better attitude, more energy, as mentioned a trimmer waist, and a happier husband. When you put in the work to make your man a real meal, it just shows him you care. Go that extra mile, if not for your health, for his.
Write out a list of foods you want. then cross the junk off and replace those bad wants with good food you NEED.
Your wallet will thank you.
I love you all. Take the challenge and improve your life even if it's making just one real meal a week, then two meals the next week.
You can do this.