Thursday, December 6, 2012

I have to take a moment...

I've been ridiculously busy these last few weeks with finding out that we're having a baby and everything! That and work have just drained me of time! Today is just as busy as it's the final week of this Fall 2012 semester- so with both Universities (UVU and BYU) ending this week, I've got to gather all attendance and such to enter in final grades!

With that said though- as busy as today is I NEED to take a moment and share how special I feel today.

This semester has been so rough on me personally, trying to teach all my classes and battling the middle to the end of morning sickness, then after that getting strep throat and a crazy cold, learning to deal with myself not fitting in any ZumbaWear specifically etc. All that, while also trying to figure out my class schedule and going through and dropping classes everywhere I teach because I physically cannot teach the 22 classes a week I was burning through before.

But yesterday and today, the last two days of seeing my University classes, has made all these hard things so worth every minute.

I've been blessed with a job that people look forward to seeing me every time I walk in the door! I love the feeling I get when I just walk in wherever location and people greet me with hugs and smiles and "I'm so glad you're here-s!". Who doesn't like feeling love at work?  I'm blessed enough to feel that EVERY DAY.

Yesterday, we had the last day of Aerobics at UVU as well as BYU Zumba.  Both these classes were so amazing all semester long! My Zumba class, BYU is such an amazing place to teach! I have amazing students and this semester in particular, I got so bored of my music so often, but had ZERO energy or motivation to make up new dances. So I'd throw way WAY old stuff at them and they followed like they've known my choreography forever! New stuff never phased them! Even if they didn't know the steps, I could count on them to "WOOP" and cheer through every song! I loved seeing 55 smiling faces every Monday and Wednesday! If you ever want to feel like a celebrity, teach at BYU. I'm proud to see a lot of my students graduate this semester, as well as go on missions as well as getting married! I'm so happy to have grown with all of you and seen you progress throughout the semester!

UVU Aerobics:
I was TERRIFIED to start teaching aerobics. Ask anyone! I went to all my fitness friends asking for ideas and asking how on earth to use a step or create step routines, and boot camps and all sorts of things just trying to get ideas for this class for MONTHS before we even started! The second we started though, it all came so easy. We had INSANITY week, as well as Step weeks and a million boot camps! This class took aerobics to the next level! Everything I threw at them they took with such ease! It almost made me feel my workouts were TOO easy! Then I started receiving emails from students telling me about weight loss they've experienced just from taking this class and how much stronger they feel. Getting to see this particular student as well as the rest of the class get stronger and work so hard, even so early in the morning was simply amazing! We had a graduation and everyone received a diploma and chocolate coins as "Medallions of Honor" for graduating- and we even had awards for best attendance! (0-1 absences). It was so great! The second they left class, I sat in my office and cried at the thought of never seeing them again!


Last of all, My UVU Zumba class:
This class has been so amazing and so incredibly patient with me this semester! My prime morning sickness time was right in the middle of this class for the first half of the semester, then all the sickness came blah blah blah. These poor gals had to deal with me being so sick and awful all semester and they still were so amazing and kind and happy to see me! I don't even deserve the love I felt from these amazing girls! I think I've cried the hardest missing this class ESPECIALLY after graduation today. I did the same for this class as UVU Aerobics, in having a diploma, metals and chocolate coins- THEN This amazing class of mine turns around and surprises ME!

They all went in on a photo album for baby, and all signed a card and poster for me! THEN One of my amazing and talented students made DELICIOUS cupcakes for everyone that included Zumba cupcakes and Justin Bieber cup cakes because they all totally know about my crush on J. Biebs.

Other students brought me individual gifts and I stole hugs from a bunch of these sweet girls.

This was an amazing semester. I've met the sweetest people everywhere I've taught and I'm heartbroken it's already over! I was talking to Scott yesterday saying "WHY DO I GET SO ATTACHED TO MY CLASSES!?"

I know for a fact though, I've been so blessed and lucky to have met everyone I have along this journey and career. I'm glad I get attached to my students! I'm crying like a child thinking about how amazing you all are.
Thank you all my sweet classes, all my sweet friends out side of these classes that I've met through teaching! You make my life worthwhile. YOU are the ones that make my life/job so amazing! YOU are the ones who inspire me to be better and work harder to improve myself to be a better teacher/instructor every day.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for being my friends! And university people-- You'd BETTER come see me out side of school!! 

I love you all.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"The Worlds Healthiest Diets"

Okay everyone!

As you may know I'm huge into reading cool nutririon articles and get daily emails and updates on new articles and such!

This one I recieved last week was so good, not only did I try it, but I'm sharing it now!
If you're anything like me, you've wondered "how do Brazilians always have such amazing bodies when a lot of them really don't work out besides dancing?" or "How do Germans drink beer every day and still keep thin?" "How is rice and noodles an every day thing in Asian countries as well as South American countries, and they ALSO maintain so thin?"

[If you're like "Andrea you''re such a creep why would you even think about that?"... I just do okay?... haha]

Here's an article that give you all the answers!

I personally experimented in the last week with trying a different tip every day, and I feel amazing. Even though my crazy pregnancy cravings/appetite are always pretty out of control, this last week, I felt so satisfied and nourished each day, I really had no reason to crave anything fattening or unhealthy.

These tips, if followed, I promise you will make you not only feel better/happier/healthier, but you WILL see results once you train your body to eat in a good way. Even those of you with the NEED for a sweet treat every day-

This article will teach you to eat whatever you love eating, the right way. :)

Brought to you by

Sign up for their daily emails, which always have diet helps, and suggestions as well as great, easy and fast workouts you can do anywhere, at any time! (yes, even at your desk job!) Enjoy!

The World's Healthiest Diets

Croissants. Cheese. Cabernet. The easiest -- and yummiest -- way to drop pounds is to steal secrets from the most slimming diets across the globe.

Week One: France

As a college student living in the international dorm, I should have been studying my Parisian roomie's eating habits instead of just coveting her style. In nations with low obesity rates, women know how to eat right and enjoy every bite. "The diets they follow often place an emphasis on whole grains and legumes and use meat sparingly," says Daphne Miller, MD, the author of The Jungle Effect: The Healthiest Diets from Around the World. They're a far cry from the typical U.S. diet, a processed, produce-deficient carb-fest. Although I can no longer use the excuse that I'm a broke college student, I still live on lattes, burgers, and apple cobbler. So I embarked on a 30-day culinary experiment, borrowing secrets from some of the world's healthiest places to slim my 170-pound frame.
Week One: FranceDespite baguettes and Brie, French women have the lowest average body mass index in Europe. "It's true that the French eat for pleasure, but they enjoy cream, cheese, and wine in moderation," says Mary Brighton, RD, a health and food blogger who lives in Pau, France.
Slimming Secrets
Eat slowly. The length of the average French meal has decreased in recent years, but it still clocks in at a leisurely 42 minutes. Brighton has a suggestion to help me slow down the pace at which I stuff my face: "Adopt the French habit of eating a three-course meal to savor food and to recognize satiety cues." When I started with salad, I began to feel full a few bites into my second course, pasta, and I left a bit of it on the plate, rounding out my meal with an apple. Something else that worked: listening to music and making meals last for five or six songs. That's about 20 minutes, or the amount of time it takes your brain to register that your stomach is full.
Make lunch the main event. French breakfasts are small, but lunch is a big deal and might include soup, salad, a chicken entrée with at least one vegetable, and a light dessert, like sorbet, says Steven Jonas, MD, a coauthor of 30 Secrets of the World's Healthiest Cuisines. Supper is lighter and later, usually eaten around 8 or 9. "Because the body uses lunchtime calories for the rest of the day, fewer go into storage and turn into body fat," he explains. My midday meal is often coffee and crackers, so I had to take extreme measures to bulk it up. Each night I cooked twice as much as I normally would for dinner and packed about two-thirds of it for lunch the next day. The new portions were perfect; I wasn't starving by supper.
Treat yourself. This I can do: I never met a pint of Ben & Jerry's I didn't like. But that's not the French way. Instead, they enjoy a petite treat at the end of each meal -- a piece of dark chocolate, an espresso, or an after-dinner drink. "It signals your brain that it's time to stop eating," Brighton explains. "Having occasional small treats throughout the day also makes you less likely to binge later." I bought a bar of dark chocolate and ate a square after each meal. At first it wasn't easy to stop at one, but I let it melt in my mouth and reminded myself that I had another to look forward to in a few hours. So long, snack attacks!

Week One: France

As a college student living in the international dorm, I should have been studying my Parisian roomie's eating habits instead of just coveting her style. In nations with low obesity rates, women know how to eat right and enjoy every bite. "The diets they follow often place an emphasis on whole grains and legumes and use meat sparingly," says Daphne Miller, MD, the author of The Jungle Effect: The Healthiest Diets from Around the World. They're a far cry from the typical U.S. diet, a processed, produce-deficient carb-fest. Although I can no longer use the excuse that I'm a broke college student, I still live on lattes, burgers, and apple cobbler. So I embarked on a 30-day culinary experiment, borrowing secrets from some of the world's healthiest places to slim my 170-pound frame.
Week One: FranceDespite baguettes and Brie, French women have the lowest average body mass index in Europe. "It's true that the French eat for pleasure, but they enjoy cream, cheese, and wine in moderation," says Mary Brighton, RD, a health and food blogger who lives in Pau, France.
Slimming Secrets
Eat slowly. The length of the average French meal has decreased in recent years, but it still clocks in at a leisurely 42 minutes. Brighton has a suggestion to help me slow down the pace at which I stuff my face: "Adopt the French habit of eating a three-course meal to savor food and to recognize satiety cues." When I started with salad, I began to feel full a few bites into my second course, pasta, and I left a bit of it on the plate, rounding out my meal with an apple. Something else that worked: listening to music and making meals last for five or six songs. That's about 20 minutes, or the amount of time it takes your brain to register that your stomach is full.
Make lunch the main event. French breakfasts are small, but lunch is a big deal and might include soup, salad, a chicken entrée with at least one vegetable, and a light dessert, like sorbet, says Steven Jonas, MD, a coauthor of 30 Secrets of the World's Healthiest Cuisines. Supper is lighter and later, usually eaten around 8 or 9. "Because the body uses lunchtime calories for the rest of the day, fewer go into storage and turn into body fat," he explains. My midday meal is often coffee and crackers, so I had to take extreme measures to bulk it up. Each night I cooked twice as much as I normally would for dinner and packed about two-thirds of it for lunch the next day. The new portions were perfect; I wasn't starving by supper.
Treat yourself. This I can do: I never met a pint of Ben & Jerry's I didn't like. But that's not the French way. Instead, they enjoy a petite treat at the end of each meal -- a piece of dark chocolate, an espresso, or an after-dinner drink. "It signals your brain that it's time to stop eating," Brighton explains. "Having occasional small treats throughout the day also makes you less likely to binge later." I bought a bar of dark chocolate and ate a square after each meal. At first it wasn't easy to stop at one, but I let it melt in my mouth and reminded myself that I had another to look forward to in a few hours. So long, snack attacks!

Week Two: Japan

It's no surprise that the obesity rate in Japan is less than 4 percent: The country's traditional diet has long been touted as one of the healthiest in the world. "People who live in the Okinawa region of Japan, specifically, are four to five times more likely than Americans to live to 100," Dr. Miller says.
Slimming Secrets
Start with soup. Miso soup is part of most meals, including breakfast. "Broth-based soup can help you feel full longer and regulate your calorie intake for the day," says Rebecca Scritchfield, RD, a nutrition counselor in Washington, D.C. A study of more than 5,000 people found that women who ate soup five to six times a week were more likely to have healthy BMIs than those who sipped it less frequently. Sure enough, I was less hungry during the day when I started every meal -- even breakfast -- with a bowl of miso. Can't get down with soup in the morning? Start lunch or dinner with a bowl (just steer clear of creamy kinds, which can be high in fat and calories).
Brighten up your plate. There's a proverb in Japan that says, "Not dressing up the meal with color is like sending someone out of the house without clothes." The Japanese try to incorporate five hues -- red, blue-green, yellow, white, and black -- into every meal, says Lalita Kaul, PhD, RD, the author of Healthy Heart South Asian Diet. Adding different shades to your plate (Skittles don't count!) means you'll take in more low-cal, high-fiber fruits and veggies. When I incorporated a rainbow of produce into my diet -- plums and peaches for a snack, tomatoes and lettuce on turkey sandwiches, berries atop low-fat pudding -- I found that all the fiber kept me full longer.
Stop while you're ahead. Unlike me (I can still hear my mom saying, "We don't waste food!"), Japanese people don't belong to the clean-plate club. In Okinawa, there's a popular saying, "Hara hachi bu," which means "Eat until you're 80 percent full."
"This helps explain why most Okinawans maintain a stable weight between ages 20 and 100, while the average American gains a pound a year after 30," Dr. Miller says. Putting this approach into practice is easier said than done. But this advice from Scritchfield helped: "Serve yourself only half as much as you normally would. Then wait five minutes once you've finished to determine if you still need more food."

Week Three: The Nordic Region

People in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have long had one of the lowest obesity rates in Europe. Only 13.4 percent of the Danish population and 10 percent of Norwegians are obese, and Icelanders have a 50 percent lower death rate from heart disease and diabetes than North Americans, Dr. Miller says.
Slimming Secrets
Better your bread. In Scandinavia the most beloved loaf is rye. "There are two types of fiber: soluble, found in rye, and insoluble, found in wheat," explains Katherine Tallmadge, RD, the author of Diet Simple. "Both make you feel full, but the soluble kind also lowers cholesterol and glycemic response, causing less glucose in the bloodstream, which means fewer blood sugar spikes and cravings." When I ate my turkey sandwich on a single slice of rye (a typical Scandinavian sammie is open-faced), the bread was so substantial that I didn't miss the second slice.
Go fish. Danish people consume more than twice as much fish as Americans, says Arne Astrup, MD, PhD, the nutrition department head at the University of Copenhagen. "Seafood is lower in calories and fat than other protein sources," Scritchfield says. And much of the fat in the fish that's popular in Scandinavia -- herring, tuna, salmon, mackerel, and cod -- is heart-healthy omega-3s. In an eight-week study, researchers from the University of Iceland found that overweight people who ate three to five servings of cod a week lost more weight than those who scorned seafood. So I ate tuna salad (made with salsa instead of mayo) for lunch a couple of times a week, and I grilled salmon frequently.
Hit the farmers' market. But not just in the summer. The Nordic diet is full of cold-climate vegetables -- cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and brussels sprouts -- and mushrooms, the kind of produce that is loaded with flavor and makes a lean meal feel heftier, Dr. Astrup says. I've typically drenched them in salt and creamy dressing, but I loved Scritchfield's suggestions: roasted beets with grapefruit and basil, and stir-fried brussels sprouts with low-sodium soy sauce and honey.

Week Four: The Mediterranean


In one study, people who consumed the traditional diet of the Mediterranean (key elements include produce, healthy fats, whole grains, lean protein, and red wine) for 25 weeks lost an average of 8 percent of their body weight.
Slimming Secrets
Get an oil change. Extra virgin olive oil, a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, may help control your appetite. A study from the University of California, Irvine, found that the oleic acid it contains triggers the production of a hunger-curbing compound in the small intestine. I've always used the golden oil in dressing, but I also marinated meat in it with salt and pepper. And because I learned from Mary Flynn, PhD, RD, a coauthor of Low-Fat Lies: High-Fat Frauds and the Healthiest Diet in the World, that the body needs fat to absorb the beneficial compounds in produce, veggies roasted in olive oil became my go-to side dish.
Spice things up. Mediterranean cooks are all about fresh herbs -- basil, dill, bay leaf, fennel, and mint -- and spices. These weight-loss secret weapons pack serious flavor, allowing you to cut back on high-cal ingredients. Alas, in the kitchen I'm more Paula Deen than Giada De Laurentiis: I use a lot of salt, sugar, and butter. "Buy at least one fresh herb a week and add it to your meals," Scritchfield suggests. I learned to love cilantro in chili, where it made my usual dollop of sour cream unnecessary.
Use meat sparingly. Supersized steak dinners are uncommon in the traditional Mediterranean diet; meat plays a supporting role and is used to add flavor. "The amount of meat consumed by Americans is a large contributor to excess weight," says Flynn, who notes that it's also linked to heart disease and cancer. I found some new vegetarian faves: portobello burgers and baked spaghetti squash. I never felt weighed down after dinner, and -- bonus! -- I saved cash. "Meat is probably the most expensive part of the grocery bill," Flynn says.
The Wrap-Up
This four-week staycation has been better for my waistline than any vacay I've taken. I dropped five pounds! And some of the healthy changes have stuck: I planted an herb garden on my balcony; meatless Mondays (Thursdays, too) are a staple in my household; and my pantry is stocked with dark chocolate so rich that I don't want to stuff the whole bar in my mouth. Turns out, a bit of global inspiration was just what I needed to shake up my all-too-American eating habits.
Originally published in FITNESS magazine, October 2012.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eating on a Budget

Probably one of the most common excuses I hear daily from clients, Facebook friends etc. when it comes to weight loss, is "well, I can't afford healthy food." or, "junk is just so much cheaper than real food."
For all you out there with this reasoning as to why you cannot eat healthy, this post is for you!

I've written about this in like round about ways, but today will be a lot more specific! And for those of you amazing readers that are pro deal hunters, please feel free to comment and add your favorite stores and suggestions as how you save money while eating well.

Okay, so problems with junk food.

It seems cheap and easy but.. is it?

Example: Banquet meals.

We have a couple of friends that are obsessed with these meals because Wal-Mart sells these for $1 a piece. So you think, cool a dollar a day? Then you open it and not only is it tasteless, but it's a REAL SERVING SIZE! And because they're loaded with preservatives and junk, the serving size is.. a serving size for ants? The average person, at least, these friends of ours, that eat these all the time eat about 3-4 meals per MEAL.

Therefore not only, NOT down to $1 lunches, but loading their bodies with junk, that not only leaves you with love handles and a belly, but terrible skin/acne.

So math time. $5 lunch, not bad. Then you add the medical bills from the heart attack, then the Proactive plan you need to fix not only your face from breaking out but the rest of your body then tightening creams for that cellulite. I don't even want to add that up.

Then there's fast food. The average American individual spends more or less $2000 per year on fast food. Now, multiply by how many people in your family.. That ends up being about 9.3%
of your yearly income.

What if, now this is just crazy talk- but what if you set aside $2000 for each person in your family every year? ...They'd be attending pretty awesome schools, wearing super fancy clothing and for sure have a good chance for an early retirement am I right?

Why though, are we spending that much money to plump our kids up? Showing ourselves and families it's just "easier" or "more convenient" to be overweight? To spend their lives pumping anti depresents and more and more pills, and lugging around oxygen tanks for the sake of convenience? As you saw, the food itself isn't cheap.. So why fast food ya'll? Why?

Same with any freezer food or processed food like Corn Dogs- which I totally understand, sometimes you need a good corn dog, but not as an every day thing right? Save your body, save your skin from nasty food.

Alright, now that you've had your slap on the wrist, lets find you a solution!

Real food not only makes your skin, hair, nails, tummy legs and all those trouble spots, NOT a problem, but you're pumping your body with good food that acts like an antidepresents and energy boosters, and fat burners that have ZERO side effects. How amazing! Also when you're going through huge body changes like pregnancy, or if you've just had a baby, get those real foods in you!

Now, great places to find good, fresh food at an awesome cost are the following:

Maceys Grocery,
Sunflower Market- if you have a Student ID, you get 50% off all fresh produce EVERY TUESDAY!
Smith's - semi pricey but they have great deals and such fresh produce

Anyone wanna add any more? If you know of anywhere that has as great of deals as Sunflower Market PLEASE leave your comments!

Here's your goal for this week. Make time to make a meal. If you don't know what to buy at the grocery store, here's a list of essentials that you can use for ANYTHING.


Fruit of any kind!

That's stuff you can just snack on if you're ever bored, or watching TV. So part two of the goal- as soon as you pick up one good veggie or fruit, cross off a junk meal from your shopping list.

FINAL part of the goal. Google a recipe. What sounds good? And you don't have to wait till you're hungry- Sit down with your family/husband/roomates on a Monday night and plan all your meals.
I always Google "(insert meal name here) Recipe Easy" they always come up with the simplest, most delicious recipes ever!
Plan out your meals and FOLLOW THROUGH. You'll notice an immidiate change  in your waistline within that first week of cutting out the junk, and replacing that junk with good food.
I guarantee you a better attitude, more energy, as mentioned a trimmer waist, and a happier husband. When you put in the work to make your man a real meal, it just shows him you care. Go that extra mile, if not for your health, for his.

Write out a list of foods you want. then cross the junk off and replace those bad wants with good food you NEED.

Your wallet will thank you.

I love you all. Take the challenge and improve your life even if it's making just one real meal a week, then two meals the next week.

You can do this.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

To Jamie.

Okay can we all agree that I wait way too long to blog in between posts?

Here's why. I get crazy inspired and write a golden post that gets a million hits and get so popular, then I've got nothing to write after. It's like speaking in church after an amazing musical number; "I'm seriously supposed to follow that?"

Also to keep you on your toes to see what's next! Before we start, I told my friend JAMIE I'd tell her a scary story via blog today. (Mostly as an excuse to actually get on and write.)

As you may have noticed, I have a crazy creepy picture at the corner up here.. Go ahead. Look into those freaky eyes.

It was announced recently that this, the Furby, is estimated "hot" toy of the year!

I remember being a kid when these came out and my older sister and I BEGGED to have a Furby. Why? Looking at this picture.. no idea. Same reason I NEEDED a giga pet etc..

So, finally my parents got Ange a Furby for her birthday that looked exactly like the one shown above. We thought it was the cutest thing and learned it's little language and even taught our Furby to say "I love you" ... we think?

One night as we were sleeping, we hear it come on! "EE WEE WAH WEE" (no idea what it was saying.. I don't speak furby anymore).. So we both jump out of bed and Angie runs to shut it off.

We fall back asleep and we hear again "AHH WEE WAH EEEE!". What? We just turned this thing off?

Angie jumps up dazed and super confused, and pulls out the batteries. Maybe it's just broken.

Less than an hour later we hear it AGAIN- No batteries mind you... we came to one conclusion. "It has to be possessed."

We ran outside together in a panic, still the middle of the night and throw it in the out side dumpster trying to rid our room of the evil called Furby.

Finally a little shaken up, we went back to bed.

The next morning we came down for breakfast and there it was sitting on the kitchen table AGAIN. How the!?

We spent the net few days taping it up, and hiding it in a box, THEN throwing it away, taking it to school and throwing it away there, and it still came back. I think in a crazy rage we ended up destroying that monster and crushing it to pieces, then it's pieces to pieces then tossing it out.

That was the end of our Fuby trial.

Jamie, save your house. Don't do it. Hahahaha!!

More to come tomorrow. I have tons of news to share..
Love you all. Thanks for reading the most random blog post of anyones life, ever.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


The worst four letter word out there.


 When thinking of that dreaded word, I know you're cringing just as much as I did when I wrote it out.

Worse than that word though, is it's combination word.


Before you get all sick on me I want to talk about these nasty buggers that claim to be the answer to our lack of Abs and to our self esteem woos.

Yesterday, I taught my BYU class a lesson regarding this topic as an introduction to the rest of the subjects we'd be discussing this semester. Then the thought came to me to just write it all out for you readers, especially my most loyal reader Hayley because she reminded me it's been over a month since I've written! Love you girl!


If you listen to the radio as often as I do, you've heard the advertisements for all sorts of miracle pills, like Healthy Trim saying they'll take you smaller than "High School skinny", or "wanna lose that stubborn belly fat in less than a month?", or even people talking about the famous HCG diet and how these amazing horemones make you burn fat bla, bla.

I took it upon myself to do some research on a few diets, and figure out the method or the idea behind all these crazy diet ideas.

What I discovered is that every fad diet has some sort of truth to it. For example. HCG, I'm not sure about the horemone itself, but when you're only eating 500 calories a day, there's no way you wouldn't lose weight am I right? The hormone is in my mind, the thing to make this diet look "legit" but the results come from the fact that you're starving yourself. Haha!

Now dig with me. What is the TRUTH behind this diet?

*BING* If you cut calories, you'll lose weight. Is that true? You bet it is! Now, if any diet recommends you ONLY have 500 calories a day, I hope you'll see that as a GIANT red flag or flashing neon sign saying "DON'T DO IT!"


Your body NEEDS food. You can always drop 500 calories from your now caloric intake and see reults. But if you're starving your body will cling to whatever food you DO eat. Starvation mode is a REAL THING.

Next diet I wanna play with. 

The famous ATKINS Diet.
I, in all honesty don't even know if they're still around or if people even use this diet still. But it's' a great example for this next weight loss concept.

What is their slogan? "Lose 15 Lbs in 2 weeks!"

What's the main idea to this diet?


With that said. Are carbs bad?

Hellz no. Carbohytrates are our main source of energy. They provide the body with fiber, and the brain with nourishment. says the following:

"Out of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the most important source of energy, providing your body with the fuel you need for both physical activity, and for your organs to function properly. Your body turns consumed carbohydrates into glucose, blood sugar, and your organs, tissues and cells use this glucose for energy as it is needed right away, storing the excess in your muscles and liver to use as it is needed between meals."

With that said, grab your shovel again. Time to dig..

What is the truth about this diet?

Knowing we need carbohydrates, the truth to this diet is... as a society, we tend to overdo on the carbs. What are examples of carbohydrates?

Did a picture of bread, rice, oatmeal, or pasta pop up on your brain?
Did you also picture potatoes? Oranges? Apples? Spinach?

The Atkins diet, as well as South Beach are based on protein and fruits and veggies. They cut out the white or the flour-y carbohydrates because like I just said- we overdo them. So what's the answer or the healthier alternative to this diet? It's simple. Don't eat as many of the pastas or breads. Introduce ore fruits into your daily food regamin. Or if you're just hooked and can't survive without that 8th slice of bread per day, go out and work it off. Let your food become energy.

Have you read or done research on the ever popular, GLUTEN allergy? Did you know that it's an onset allergy?

"woah woah Andrea, say WHA?"

Yes. It's true. If you have or know someone that has a gluten allergy, the biggest reason is your eating habit. OUCH. I went there!

How do we develop this allergy? We over do our refined carbohydrates. White breads. White pasta. White, white, white. So like I said before. Love your body and replace those white, refined flours with whole grains. Yes, the good stuff with nuts all in it. It does you so much good as well as leaving you happy and satisfied for hours.

The last dietary myth I wanna cover is one that my friend brought to my attention. The idea is that Fasting is a great way to diet.

Let me draw your a picture.

This straight line above is your blood sugar. Now, when you're consistently eating, it stays flat and happy.

What happens when you don't eat?

You get the grumps. Your tummy starts crying, the headaches set in. You look like this kid.

You get all crazy and why? Because your blood sugar is low!!

Now that you're starving and your blood sugar line is on the decline, you see a McDonalds, grab a Big Mac, Large fries and a coke, which you normally don't eat of course cause you read this blog and you're a health freak, but in a moment of hunger you DID indeed inhale all that food! Now what's going on with your blood sugar?

It shoots up! Then you get the sick over did it feeling and you wanna die cause you just feel so miserable.

While that's all happening, your body is doing something else.

Remember like 18 paragraphs ago when I said Starvation Mode is a real thing?

I'll say it again. It's a REAL THING.

Your body is amazing machine, and here's what it does without you even knowing it. While you're getting over? that super full feeling, your insides are taking all the food you just ate, and converting it to fat. Why? Your body doesn't know when or if it's going to eat again. So to protect itself and to help you survive, it's storing all that food as fat for your body to use for the rest of the day.

I can't say it enough. YOU NEED FOOD.
Yes studies have shown that a fast once or twice a month is really good and cleans your insides out. But daily fasting isn't smart or healthy in the least.

The fix? Eat consistently. The diet telling you not to eat is a famous one. Maybe you've heard of it- Anorexia Nervosa? Don't do it. Eat at least every 3 hours. Eat constantly and eat GOOD, NUTRIENT DENSE foods. I promise just making that change, you'll see results. Take all the truthes from these crazy diets and apply them to you in the areas needed. Your body will love you and reward you with a trimmer waistline as well as energy!

Love you all. Sorry there was so much to read today! Haha! Stay tuned for more! And if you have questions or anything feel free to leave a comment! Let me know what you want to learn and I'm happy to research and write all about it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Post for Moms: Scariest Post ever.

Hey everyone! Long time since I've written and I've actually been kicking myself in the pants knowing I need to be writing!
Cool experience a few weeks ago that I wanna share!
This cute girl, you know who you are, walked into my class and she was so stoked! I'd never seen her before and she ran up to me saying, "Andrea!? Is that you?"
"yes... haha! Are you new to Zumba?"

Come to find out, she was not. She had been to a million Zumba classes looking for ME! Needless to say, this conversation made me feel kind of famous. She had told me she found my blog by accident and read all of my competition entries and stuff and had been traveling all around Utah County to find my classes! How awesome is that!?

Therefore, knowing I have at least ONE person that reads this for sure, I figured I'd better start writing; which leads me to todays topic.

I bought a new book.

 The Skinny Rules The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to THIN which I love for 3 reasons.
1) It's written by the hunky, Bob Harper. (Trainer from NBC's The Biggest Loser)
2) It's written by the hunky... just kidding. Reason 2 is, It's SO BLUNT!
3) He makes all his rules so clear and direct and spells out the reasoning as well as consequeses to breaking every rule.

Along with those, Bob dispells all sorts of myths about health and he has research to help prove his point. For those of you who know me I LOVE BOB. Haha

Anyways, starting this book has gotten me thinking and noticing all sorts of eating habits. As you read his descriptions, "Bad foods" are so vivid and straight up disgusting that you can't even stand the thought of eating/drinking those foods again.

So here's an experience for all you Moms and parents out there.

Today I went to my little sisters school to help out with lunch duties. As I watched these kids I started to notice what they were eating. I was trying to snap a picture of one child's lunch box, but he got scared and ran to another table, but here's what I saw.

Cup O Noodles. Cheetos. Capri Sun.

For you parents that think this is a "normal kid's lunch", prepare to be offended. This, here and now is your wakeup call.

In one day a child at the age of 9 can, and should have no more than 1500 mg of Sodium. One day.

Cup O Noodles has 290 Calories. 1200 mg of Soduim. 12 grams of Fat.
Cheetos (small child's snack pack) has 160 calories. 290 mg of Sodium. 10 grams of Fat.
Capri Sun has 60 calories. 15 mg Soduim. 0 Fat.

In this one meal that was not even for a 9 year old, but made for a 6 year old child gives us a grand total of 1,375 mg of soduim.  So the question is, how much sodium should a 6 year old have in one day? The FDA says 1200 mg.

This 6 year old ate 175mg over his daily alotment, in about 20 minutes of his day.


How can we as a society, as a country even wonder why Childhood obiesity is the highest growing epidemic today? Look what we're feeding our children? Look what WE as adults snack on because "it's cheap" and "easy". Do you know what ISN'T cheap? Medical bills for when these children have to deal with onset diebetes. Do you know what ISN'T easy? Lugging around an oxygen tank because one can't sleep or breathe because of their obiesity.

This is probably the harshest blog post I've ever written. But after reading this book and seeing all the food our CHILDREN are consuming for the sake of "time" or "expense", then wondering why our children that WE fed are obese, I honestly feel this all just has need to be said.

If there's no time to prepare lunches in the morning before school, make time the night before.
If being healthy is expensive, change that mindset. Good food is the BEST investment you could make for your, and your children's future. Don't go the cheap route. Teach your kids to make food, and find FRESH food delicious by avoiding the high sodium, highly processed fast food or salty/sugary snacks.

If you're not nodding your head in agreement, you're probably thinking, "Andrea you don't even know blah blah, you don't even have kids blah blah." No I don't. You're right. I don't know what it's like trying to magage children and food and a household and work. But my mom does. She's a prime example of being a crazy busy mom, yet she still makes time and has my little sisters assemble their multigrain sandwiches, water and fruit with her every night. She makes time to make sure my little sisters get out and do something active every day. If she can do it, so can you.

Make the change in your lifestyle. This weeks challenge. Avoid fast food. Toss out at least 2 unhealthy snacks and buy fruit. Toss out the Cup O Noodles and make a sandwhich or something else. MAKE your food. You can do it.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How much water are you drinking?

So yesterday my Facebook issued a challenge for everyone to "Drink more water!". There were several responses to that status that were negative AND positive! One of my friends said he drinks about a quart every HOUR! That was so eye opening to me thinking, okay, I thought I was drinking tons at 2 gallons a day! Little did I know! I've been doing lots of reading, (which PS, I don't read! Except for fitness books with LOTS of pictures!) 
So when in some research, I came upon a chapter in "Making the Cut" by the lovely Jillian Michaels and she says the following about water intake.
"As a general rule, men should consume 120 ounces of water daily, and women should consume 80 ounces. But the following factors should also affect how much water you consume.
If you exercise of engage in any activity that makes you sweat... you need to drink EXTRA water to compensate for that fluid loss. I recommend drinking 12 ounces of water two hours prior to a workout, and another 12 ounces 30 minutes before you begin. While you are exercising, you should drink 4 to 8 ounces every 15 minutes. And when you're finished, you should consume an additional 12 ounces within 30 minutes of the end of your workout." (Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels; pg 30-31 [caps added])
Lets do the math.

80+12+12+(8*4)+12= 104ish ounces-ish?
That's the MINIMUM!
120+12+12+(8*4)+12= 188 Ounces or about a gallon and a half!
Self check- How much water have you had today, so far?
My computer is deciding not to cooperate right now so I'll have to finish this blog post later! Look forward to reading the benefits of drinking water!