Monday, August 29, 2011

WEEK 3... O..em..gee...

I love Mondays... unlike a lot of people out there I look forward to every Monday cause it's the beginning of a new week.
But these last few Mondays have been so hard to motivate myself to get going.. WHY? Monday's LEG DAY.

Leg workouts just got a million times harder than I'm used to with this 6 week challenge! I don't know ANYONE that just absolutely loves leg days cause they're just so wearing! You use your legs every day so to put them through just crazy work at the first of the week is asking for death cause you can't walk for the rest of the week.
It actually takes the entire week to recover from it, so when you're finally NOT sore, it's leg day again.


Today's workout felt amazing though! I pushed myself to do 3 sets at the heaviest weight I've ever attempted! It felt so good to do it! I also mastered doing lunges all the way across the 24 HOUR floor there and back twice! The first few Mondays, I'd only make it once. Like, not there and back, just there. Haha! I feel so accomplished! I have 3 weeks to go and I'm seeing great results! It's so intimidating to be at the gym though because I see all these other super hawt ladies around and keep thinking- "They're here training for the same thing I am... They look way better! They're gonna win and I'm just gonna be a loser standing by them!"
I try not to let it phase me too much but it's kind of scary! But I like turning that fear into motivation! "I can look like that too." I work like 3 people away from them and turn it into a competition. Which ALSO made my leg workout feel so good today knowing I was lifting twice as much as those other girls and way more reps than most people would with such crazy weight.

Training is hard. But I feel better than I ever have! I love the results I'm seeing and watching the numbers on the scale go down every week! It feels amazing!
The hardest part is letting the numbers ruin me! I've gone down another half inch this last week around the tummy! I have yet to measure the rest! WISH ME LUCK THO!
I'M TITANIUM! I can do this!

Love you all!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 2-Day 3 Titanuim

I rocked the gym today.
I'm pumped and ready to keep going on this diet! There's this song by David Guetta feat Sia and it's kept me going this whole few weeks I've been on this journey. Favorite lyrics...

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away fire away
Ricochet- Take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fall
I am Titanium.

I LOVE THIS SONG cause after a mini break down, I realized that nothing people say or do can affect me goal. This is ALL ME. This is MY GOAL and it's up to ME to finish it and there's nothing that anyone can do to tear me down. :)
It's empowering.

ALSO I want to stop for a second and talk about my mom.

Whenever I used to ask my mom about tans or extensions or working out she'd be like "you're so vain just be you and not a fake you" but through this whole thing she's been so supportive and she's like "lets color your hair" or "I bought you a yummy protein drink and cottage cheese so you don't have to buy it!" or she'll just show up at work with healthy, "Diet approved" meals. I LOVE HER because even  when I'm wrong in anything, she'll stand behind me and support me till the end and she loves me no matter what crazy attitude or trend, or boy or whatever I've EVER gone through, she'll always be blunt and tell me what she feels about it, but she's always stood behind me to catch me if I ever fall or if I need help she's always there with her arms reached out.

I'm so lucky to have such strong parents and examples. I love my family and I love my husband, Scott that though he doesn't fully understand why I'm doing this challenge he's still there to remind me what I can't eat, and to wake me up in the mornings  like "5:30! Time for you to go to the gym!" haha I appreciate him. I love him.

Thanks to all of you for your love and support.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 2- Day 2: Epic Struggles

Day 2 and I'm already having a hard time.

I've had a realization that I think I'm getting a slight image disorder.
I'm not looking the way I should.
Not as skinny or fit as I need to be..
 I'm meeting with my trainer this week, but I don't think I'm ready. I'm really scared, and I don't feel as confident about it as I should.

Its been 2 weeks since our last meet and I've lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks, and about 2 inches. But I don't really see it.

I really hope for my sake as well as my trainers that I'm not wasting our time cause I really want to make this goal, but I don't think I'll have a chance in 5 weeks.... I won't stop trying though.

I WILL follow thru.
I promise.

The questions is, will I be able to finish confidently?

Wish me luck- I love you all.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Hey everybody! So Today begins week 2, technically week 3 of my training, week 2 of my blog! Only 5 weeks to go and I can't wait. I saw an old friend the other day who was like "DANG! What are you doing? You look awesome!" So of course I referred him to my blog as well as my diet.
I'm feeling great (Thanks to Beano and other helps cause this diet is KILLING my digestive system... that's as much information as I'll give you...)
I'm feeling so much stronger and I can actually walk! I did a crazy legs and glutes set last MONDAY and it took till yesterday to be completely NOT sore! It's crazy but it burns so, so good! I love waking up and not being able to move. It's such an accomplishment... My husband probably doesn't feel the same though seeing as he hears my groans and complaints when I can't make it up the stairs.

Follow diet EXACTLY

These are the things I struggled most with last week! Thanks to this end result I really have to be watching not only what I eat, but when I eat it. The goal is every 2 hours. The meals in my diet are filling but still pretty small compared to my Panda Express and such, so in order to keep my blood sugar up and healthy I really have to make sure I avoid the feeling of hunger. The hardest part of eating on time though is the fact that at like 11 am, I'm really not that hungry, but I still have to eat right then or at about noon I start to crash due to lack of food to turn into energy, then it's all down hill from there. 
Anyways, I made a short video for you all to kick off this morning so hopefully you enjoy it! WELCOME WEEK 2!

I'm down  another 3 lbs and half an inch around the tummy so lets hope I can keep it there!


I love you all.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tag this onto the last post.

Here are TODAY'S pics just in jeans! 

Still have a little pooch and love handles, but down an inch and a half from LAST WEEK so STILL GOING!

Background Information

When I began my unofficial journey back in January I started a weight loss program built by my favorite fitness pro, my dad. He LIVES to study how to work the body to get any result and I accredit most of my knowledge and weight loss to my dad! He's my fitness hero!
So we started figuring out what kind of work outs along with my, back then, 12 Zumba classes a week would get me to lose fat and lose weight, and gain muscle by my goal of June 1st. (New Years Res)
I added strength training and started including a bit more protein to my diet but besides that nothing too crazy.
I also started attending some group fit classes at 24, like Les Mills Body Pump which STILL kicks my butt.

I don't have any VERY beginning pics, but if you check out these pictures you can totally see I NEEDED to start working out.
Starting Point
Fat Percent:24%
Look at that face... Look at those arms and tummy and luvs... I was too embarrassed of my legs to take off that lil swim skirt so that goes to show I really didn't have any love for myself.. haha

In about March is when I really started seeing results. I started leaning down and got to ...
Fat Percent:19%
Weight: 145

Body Fat:16.2

For those of you who follow me on Facebook or my Zumba blog, you've already seen these photos so I apologize that you're really reading nothing new, haha but I want to let you all know that there was no magic pill, no expensive drink or surgery..(I wish.. haha) 
Only straight up work. Zumba, Weight Training, some Insanity. 
No crazy diets or FAD DIET. Just following the Food Pyramid and eating as many calories as I burn with my occasional Cold Stone and Panda Express. Haha the only BIG secret is CONSISTENCY. That is key.

After all this though my new goal is set for September 24th so WISH ME LUCK! SIX WEEKS!

Love you all.

Thursday, August 18, 2011



So I'm starting this blog to celebrate my six week journey to .... wouldn't you like to know....

One of my inspirations kept a blog about her journey, and actually printed it into a book! It was so fun to read and know someone went through EVERYTHING I'm going through right now, I figured I might as well write in case any one ever feels like reading about my time.
I won't lie though. I have a feeling this blog will be slightly more dramatic than hers was because the drama's already begun. I figure though, that if i keep writing and using this blog to not only keep you updated, but have a way to vent and get my frustrations and triumphs out here I'll be able to push through to the end and finish off strong and successful and not only will I be proud of myself, but I'll have record that I did something hard. This will hopefully end up printed too so my kids will be able to read and understand what a great accomplishment it is to FINISH something crazy.

My motto through all this is: I can do hard things.

The story behind that is, once upon a time I attended an LDS Pioneer Trek, which PS, was an amazing experience, but so killer hard. It was so physically and spiritually challenging and uplifting to pull handcarts through that beautiful Wyoming trail and I left with a HUGE appreciation for pioneers.
One night though before we went to sleep we had a meeting where one of our leaders told us about how "this trek is only a 3 day physical challenge. But in your life, you will have so many challenges of all forms and its up to you to tackle them. You can do hard things."
That's when I adopted that motto.

People, in this blog, I will account one of the hardest physical challenges I have yet experienced... NO READERS, NOT PREGNANCY. You can't have a baby in 6 weeks so forget that. (For all you who didn't figure it out, EVERYONE's like-OH ITS A BABY OR SOMETHIN?)

This journey will, and has already tested me mentally and physically. In all honestly, the physical challenge is SUPER hard, but the mental is where I might have the hardest time in all of this.
I've already face lectures and "don't do this stuff"'s from way too many. My blogging inspiration reminded me that in all this, I will not only accomplish something big, but i will find out who my "real friends" are. So right now, I want to thank those who have already proven to be my best friends in all this.
Angie, my best friend and sister,Mom, Dad, Jamie, La,  Ali. Sorry If i missed anyone. Know i appreciate your support too!
Thank you for all your support in asking me how this diet's going and continuously being so nice to me and seeing the big picture in this all. I love you all.

Until next time! I'll post pics too, cause I simply LOVE PICTURES!!